Our Executive Director

Dr. M. Parameswari Sasikumar
(Ph.D. Agriculture Science with specialization in industrial waste water treatment)
Dr. M. Parameswari Sasikumar, heads the research and development of the company. She has more than 20 years of experience in university and industrial research, monitoring of industrial effluent treatment plants. She has published Doctoral research in dye industries effluent in to difference research journals international 20 research articles and national 16 research articles and also published research papers in international and national conference and seminar 35 papers. Under Our Executive director research guidance, BIONICS ENVIRO TECH has innovated wide range of NANOZYME Bio culture and also implementing into various all industrial sectors. Based on extensive R&D in our bionics, Innovated NANOZYME Bio culture and Implemented with focal point of Zero Sludge, COD, BOD, TDS, all heavy metals reduction with low cost treatment of biological high performance Systems.
Journals International Research Papers Published
- Parameswari. M. 2013.Evaluating the impact of textile and dye effluent irrigation and amendments on major nutrient nitrogen status of soil under maize crop. Elixir International J. 65:20174-76. Current Index Copernicus, Poland Value (ICV) is 5.09. ISSN: 2229-712 X.
- Parameswari.M. 2013. Impact of textile and dye industry liquid and solid waste and amendments on potassium status of soil under sunflower crop. Elixir International J. 65:20180-82. Current Index Copernicus, Poland Value (ICV) is 5.09. ISSN: 2229-712 X.
- Parameswari. M. 2013. Evaluation of textile and dye industry liquid and solid waste and amendments on exchangeable magnesium content of soil under sunflower crop. Elixir International J. 65:20177-79. Current Index Copernicus, Poland Value (ICV) is 5.09. ISSN: 2229-712 X.
- Parameswari. M and C. Udayasoorian. 2013. Influence of textile and dye effluent irrigation and amendments on Micronutrients Iron and Copper status in soil under Maize crop. INT. J. Cur. Tr. Res. (2013) 2(1):163-167.ISSN 2278-8042
- Parameswari. M and C. Udayasoorian 2013. Effect of textile and dye effluent irrigation and amendments on exchangeable calcium and magnesium content of soil under maize crop. INT. J. Cur. Tr. Res. (2013) 2(1):132-135. ISSN 2278-8042
- Parameswari. M and C. Udayasoorian 2013 Impact of textile and dye industry liquid and solid waste and amendments on phosphorus status of soil under sunflower crop. International Res. J. of Biol. Sci. Vol. 2(6) ISSN 2278-3202.
- Parameswari. M 2013. Vermicomposting of textile and dye sludge with carbonaceous materials and its carbon and nitrogen status, Elixir International J. 66: 21104-05.Current Index Copernicus, Poland Value (ICV) is 5.09. 64A (2013) 19477-19480. ISSN: 2229-712X.
- Parameswari. M 2013. Vermistabilisation of textile and dye sludge with organic wastes and its phophorus and potassium value. Elixir International J. 64A (2013) 19473-19476Current Index Copernicus, Poland Value (ICV) is 5.09. ISSN: 2241-712 X.
- Parameswari.M 2013. Micronutrients zinc, manganese, iron and copper status of sunflower cultivated soil under textile and dye effluent and sludge application with amendments. International J. Of Appli. and Natl. Sci. ( IJANS ); ISSN: 2319-.
- Parameswari. M 2013. Textile And Dye Industry Effluent, Sludge And Amendments On Dehydrogenase And Phosphatase Activity Of Soil Under Sunflower Crop. International J. Of Appli. and Natl. Sci. ( IJANS ); ISSN: 2319-4022.
- Parameswari. M 2013. Textile and dye industry effluent, sludge and amendments on heavy metals chromium, nickel, cadmium and lead status of maize cultivated soil International J. Of Appli. and Natl. Sci. ( IJANS ); ISSN: 2319-4022.
- Parameswari. M, Sumathi.M, 2012, Nitrogen transformation during composting of poultry waste, International conference on Biologically Active Molecules (ICBAM 2012). 98-113 Organized by Department of Chemistry, Gandhigram Rural Institute- Deemed University, Dindigul, TamilNadu, India Title of the Research Papers Accepted.
- Parameswari.M and C. Udayasoorian (2012) Evaluating The Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Phytoremediation Efficiency Of Sunflower In Textile And Dye Effluent Polluted Soil Habitat. WATER R&D. Vol.2, No.1, 2012
- Parameswari.M and C. Udayasoorian (2012). Impact of various concentration of textile and dye effluent and sludge on soil fertility, growth and yield of maize crop. RASAYAN J. of Chemistry.vol-5, No.3,July-September(2012) ISSN No.0974-1496.
- Parameswari.M and C. Udayasoorian. 2013. Impact of dye effluent irrigation with amendments on Micronutrients zinc and Manganese status in soil under sunflower crop. Elixir International J. Current Index Copernicus, Poland Value (ICV) is 5.09. ISSN: 2229-712.
National Journals Research Papers published
- Parameswari. M and C. Udayasoorian (2013) Impact of textile and dye effluent irrigation on the cereals like Paddy and Maize crops and its growth parameters Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainability (JESS) Vol.1 (2): 69 – 73, 2013. ISSN: 2321-5577.
- Parameswari. M and C. Udayasoorian (2012) Impact of textile and dye effluent irrigation on germination and its growth in cereals. Res. Environ. Life Sci., 6(2) 69-72 (2013). ISSN: 0974-4908.
- Parameswari. M and C. Udayasoorian (2013) Influence of different concentration of textile and dye effluent and sludge on soil fertility, growth and yield of maize crop. Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainability (JESS) Vol.1 (2): 61 – 65, 2013. ISSN: 2321-5577
- Parameswari. M and C. Udayasoorian (2013). Evaluation of textile and dye industry liquid and solid waste and amendments on Exchangeable magnesium content of soil under sunflower crop,. Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainability (JESS) Vol.1 (3): 89 – 92, 2013. ISSN: 2321-5577.
- Parameswari. M and C.Udayasoorian (2013). Vermicomposting of textile and dye sludge with carbonaceous materials and its carbon and nitrogen status. Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainability (JESS) Vol.1 (3), 93-96 2013. ISSN: 2321-5577
- Parameswari. M 2013. Phytoremediation efficiency of sunflower crop under polluted soil habitat irrigation with textile and dye industry effluent and sludge with amendments. Res. Environ. Life Sci. 6(4)125-128 (2013). ISSN: 0974-4908 National Research Papers
- Parameswari. M 2013. Influence of dye effluent irrigation with amendments on micronutrients like zinc and manganese status in soil under sunflower crop. Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainability (JESS) Vol.2 (3): 59-61, 2013.
- Parameswari. M. and C.Udayasoorian (2013). The impact of textile and dye effluent irrigation and amendments on phosphorus status of soil under maize crop, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts.
- Parameswari. M and C. Udayasoorian 2013. Textile And Dye Industry Effluent, Sludge And Amendments On Dehydrogenase And Phosphatase Activity Of Soil Under maize crop. Journal of Environmental Research And Development .
Seminars/Conferences/Trainings paper presented * Name of the Seminar/Conference/ Training
Research papers presented
- Parameswari.M, S.Avudainayagam, 2004, Ammonical nitrogen concentration during poulty waste composing,National seminar on New frontiers of soil science Research towards sustainable Agriculture (NEFROSSA- 2005) Dept. of soil science , Annamalai university & UGC
- Parameswari.M, S.Avudainayagam, 2004, Organic Farming, National seminar on conservation of agro – biodiversity in India – The Role of stakeholders. Dr.G.R. Damodaran Colllege of Science, Cbe, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India.
- Parameswari.M, Avudainayagam.S, 2005, Reduction of ammonia volatization during composting of poultry waste, National conference on frontiers in Environmental sciences & Engineering in India. Dept. of Env. Sci. Bharathiyar Univ. ,Cbe & National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.
- Parameswari.M, Avudainayagam.S, 2005, Changes in calcium and magnesium content during composting of poultry waste. National symposium on Microbial Technology for productive Agriculture. Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, TNAU, Cbe.
- Parameswari.M, Avudainayagam.S, Nithyadevi .A, 2005, Aerobic composting of poultry waste with microbes for reduction of ammonia volatiliazation , 4th National level biological congress on biotechnology – A Boon to Humanity – 2005 , C-23 Muthayammal College of Engineering,Namakkal. CSIR New Delhi, TNSCST Chennai.
- Parameswari.M, Avudainayagam.S, Nithyadevi.A, 2005, Micronutrient status and microbial changes during poultry waste composting, 4th National level biological congress on biotechnology – A Boon to Humanity – 2005 , C-24 Muthayammal College of Engineering,Namakkal CSIR New Delhi, TNSCST Chennai
- Nithyadevi.A, Parameswari.M, Avudainayagam.S, 2005, Terminator, Verminator and traiter technologies, 4th National level biological congress on biotechnology – A Boon to Humanity – 2005 , C-24 Muthayammal College of Engineering,Namakkal CSIR New Delhi, TNSCST Chennai
- Nithyadevi.A, Parameswari.M, Avudainayagam.S, 2005, Evaluation of antagonistic potential of trichoderma harzianum against banana anthracnose, 4th National level biological congress on biotechnology – A Boon to Humanity – 2005, E-8 Muthayammal College of Engineering, Namakkal CSIR New Delhi, TNSCST Chennai .
- Parameswari.M, Avudainayagam.S 2004, Aerobic composting of different systems of poultry wastes, Southern Regional conference on microbial inoculants, conducted by university of Agricultural Sciences, Bijapur- Karnataka Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, University of agricultural Sciences Dharwad.
- Parameswari.M, Avudainayagam.S 2004, Micronutrient status during poultry wastes, Southern Regional conference on microbial inoculants, conducted by university of Agricultural Sciences, Bijapur- Karnataka Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, University of agricultural Sciences Dharwad.
- Parameswari. M and S.Avudainayagam , 2008 Nitrogen Transformation during composting of poultry waste. Proceedings of the Sixteent National Symposium on Environment. Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology and Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
- Parameswari.M and C. Udayasoorian (2012). Integrated Ecofriendly management of textile and dye industry effluent and sludge, Tamil Congress Twelth workshop, 2012, Organized by Periyar University, Salem Periyar University, Salem
International Seminar/Conference- Research papers published Name of the Seminar/Conference/ Training Organized
- Parameswari.M, Sumathi.M, 2012, Nitrogen transformation during composting of poultry waste, International conference on Biologically Active Molecules (ICBAM 2012). 98 Gandhigram Rurl university, Dindigul, and University Grants Commission, New Delhi, Gandhigram Rural Institute
- Parameswari.M, Sumathi.M and Esakkiammal.M 2012, international workshop on climate change in agriculture; Adaptation and mitigation strategies Impact of textile and dye effluent irrigation on the cereals like Paddy and Maize crops and its growth parameters. Organized by Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Gandhigram Rurl university, Dindigul, and University Grants Commission, New Delhi, Gandhigram Rural Institute