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Bionics Enviro Tech

Case Study

top 10 wastewater treatment companies in india

  1. Bionics enviro tech
  2. VA Tech Wabag
  3. Thermax
  4. Suez India
  5. Ion Exchange India
  6. GE Water
  7. UEM India
  8. Triveni Engineering
  9. Paramount Ltd
  10. Toshiba Water Solutions
  11. Doshion Veolia

Zero sludge, Odour Removal & COD and BOD Reduction

The basic needs of human survival, i.e. water, food & shelter are no more easily accessed resources. The ever-increasing demand of human being cannot be meet successfully through present conventional resources. The indiscriminate population explosion raises the demand of food and fodder for continue life on earth. Due to domestic waste, sewage and industrialization, our environment (rivers, ponds and other natural resources) is polluting. In Indian context, the situation is very drastically.

The situations has only be handled by not throwing sewage directly to natural resources and reuse the treated water that ultimately reduces the overall demand of fresh water. However, India treats only 20% of its sewage and rest fall directly into rivers causing severe problems. The Problem faced by government and scientists in India is the mentality of people about the sewage treated water. This paper focuses on the mentality of people and coup it with the present situation and effectively reduces the overall demand in scientific healthy manner.

The main aim of paper is to use the treated water in a way; which does not harm human and environment along with consideration of mentality of society.

Innovative Nanozyme Technology

NANOZYME which are effective microbes (EM) contain multiple stains of aerobic, facultative aerobes and anaerobic bacteria, which are selected for their compatible, symbiotic metabolic pathways based on different industrial effluent characteristics. NANOZYME products are manufactured from a unique solid fermentation (SSF) process of selected cultures of beneficial bacteria for different waste water and industries.


Our customer Common Sewage Treatment Plant, covers huge area of a district whose capacity is more than 200 MLD. They have struggled to treat the sewage water and achieving the CPCB norms and unable to discharge it into the River. Even though they have proper treatment systems with UASBR and followed by aeration tank with enough retention time but not able to meet the CPCB norms in the terms of parameters like COD, BOD TSS & Odour. Their analysis reports showed that treated outlet COD range was 160ppm, BOD 90 ppm and heavy odour because of presence of ammonical nitrogen content.


In this plant both anaerobic UABR and aeration tanks, After applying within single minimal dosage of Nanozyme with in a day plant following parameters are achieved.

1. Odour 100 percent removed.
2. There is no sludge generation. ( Zero Sludge Process (ZSP).
3. COD reduction in outlet from 160 ppm to less than 50- 80 ppm.
4. BOD reduction in final outlet from 90 ppm to ranges less than 5 to 10 ppm.
5. TSS reduction observed at final outlet ranges from 5 to 10 ppm.

Nanozyme Microbial culture will perform against Paper Industries, Dye Industries, Textile Industries, Food Industries, Sugar Industries & Pharma Industries effluents. Our Microbial culture provide proven results against COD, BOD, Colour, Odour, Sludge and other parameters to these industries to meet the CPCB Norms of India. 

We are given some sludge volume index photos of our esteemed customers proven results are as follows by meeting the CPCB Norms:


top 10 wastewater treatment companies in india


In this plant aeration tanks 700 KLD, After applying within single minimal dosage of Nanozyme with in a day plant following parameters are achieved.

1. Odour 100 percent removed.
2. There is no sludge generation. (Zero Sludge Process (ZSP).
3. COD reduction in outlet from 12,000 ppm to less than 163 ppm.
4. BOD reduction in final outlet from 4000 ppm to ranges less than 20 ppm.
5. TSS reduction observed at final outlet ranges from 10 to 12 ppm.


In this plant aeration tanks 1000 KLD, After applying within single minimal dosage of Nanozyme with in a day plant following parameters are achieved.

1. Odour and colour100 percent removed.
2. There is no sludge generation. (Zero Sludge Process (ZSP).
3. COD reduction in outlet from 1500 ppm to less than 56 ppm.
4. BOD reduction in final outlet from 450 ppm to ranges less than 10 ppm.
5. TSS reduction observed at final outlet ranges from 5 to 7 ppm.


In this plant aeration tanks 1500 KLD, After applying within single minimal dosage of Nanozyme with in a day plant following parameters are achieved.

1. Odour and colour100 percent removed.
2. There is no sludge generation. (Zero Sludge Process (ZSP).
3. COD reduction in outlet from 1300 ppm to less than 56 ppm.
4. BOD reduction in final outlet from 450 ppm to ranges less than 10 ppm.
5. TSS reduction observed at final outlet ranges from 5 to 7 ppm.


In this plant aeration tanks 4000 KLD, after applying within single minimal dosage of Nanozyme with in a day plant following parameters are achieved.

1. Odour and colour100 percent removed.
2. There is no sludge generation. (Zero Sludge Process (ZSP).
3. COD reduction in outlet from 5700 ppm to less than 150 ppm.
4. BOD reduction in final outlet from 1350 ppm to ranges less than 32 ppm.
5. TSS reduction observed at final outlet ranges from 5 to 7 ppm.


In this plant aeration tanks 4000 KLD, After applying within single minimal dosage of Nanozyme with in a day plant following parameters are achieved.

1. Odour and colour100 percent removed.
2. There is no sludge generation. (Zero Sludge Process (ZSP).
3. COD reduction in outlet from 3200 ppm to less than 74 ppm.
4. BOD reduction in final outlet from 900 ppm to ranges less than 28 ppm.
5. TSS reduction observed at final outlet ranges from 12 to 15 ppm.


In this plant aeration tanks 1500 KLD, After applying within single minimal dosage of Nanozyme
with in a day plant following parameters are achieved.
1. Odour and colour100 percent removed.
2. There is no sludge generation. (Zero Sludge Process (ZSP).
3. COD reduction in outlet from 3200 ppm to less than 36 ppm
4. BOD reduction in final outlet from 1220 ppm to ranges less than 2 ppm.
5. TSS reduction observed at final outlet ranges from 1 to 2 ppm.


In this plant aeration tanks 750 KLD, After applying within single minimal dosage of Nanozyme
with in a day plant following parameters are achieved.
1. Odour and colour100 percent removed.
2. There is no sludge generation. (Zero Sludge Process (ZSP).
3. COD reduction in outlet from 4500 ppm to less than 220 ppm
4. BOD reduction in final outlet from 1220 ppm to ranges less than 78 ppm.
5. TSS reduction observed at final outlet ranges from 10 to 12 ppm.

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